Sunday, April 14, 2013

Survivor's Blog April 14, 2013- I need to stop and say Thank You and spread some gratitude around.....

The past few weeks have been tough. I have had allergic reactions to my last two chemo treatments and they have made me sicker than I am used to being. If I had not had such wonderful friends and family I don't know how we would have made it through this crazy time. For now, I would just like to say how grateful I am that all of you are in our lives.

If I fail to mention your name here it is just because I am sick and forgetful, so many people have helped me since June 2011 it would be impossible to list them all.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my husband, Oscar, for putting up with me. He has cleaned house, cooked dinners, picked up prescriptions, and left work to come get me when I was too sick to drive myself home from treatment. We have had no vacations, and no time off since this all started. I know he did not sign on to be a full time nurse!!

Secondly, I would like to let my sister Erin know how grateful I am that she has come down and given up her time to be my chemo advocate. She has spent hours and hours in a very uncomfortable chair watching the nurses pump chemo into me. I am not sure how she stands it, especially since I become so loopy during the treatments.  I just want her to know how much I appreciate it.

 I would also like to thank Thomas and Courtney for making it possible for Erin to come down and care for me instead of them for a few days!!

I also owe a big debt to my employer Claude B, at Michael's and Kim A. who have kept me in a job during this whole cancer thing. The staff at Michael's has bent over backwards to make sure I am able to teach. And I owe a great amount to Kim A. who taught my classes for months instead of encouraging Michael's to hire someone else in my place. I would also like to thank the staff at OC Tech for allowing me to teach there as well during my illness.

And a big thank you to Oscar's co workers, our friends and  our neighbors who have helped out numerous times and never complained once!!

(And Carol, thank you for the best PJ's and the Kindle which is keeping me occupied on dark days. )

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