Thursday, October 10, 2013

Survivor's Blog- October 10, 2013 Chemo Update

Hello Everyone-

I usually try and post only good news to my blog. Some days, there is just no good news to report. So I will just update you all on my progress with chemo and leave it at that.

I went in for chemo yesterday. Normally, the day after chemo. I post to let you all know that it went well and that I am fine. Well, today I am OK but, chemo went far from well. I went in to SCOA at 7:00 am as usual and by 8:00 am they had my chair ready and my chemo all lined up. Since I can no longer use my right arm for IV's, my chemo nurse had to access the port that I have in my chest. Usually this is a very simple procedure. Yesterday, when she inserted the needle, I felt a pain so strong that I had to run to the restroom and vomit. They tried a second time to access the port with the same result.

So they sent me over to Lexington Medical Center Hospital for a scan of my port to see what the problem was. After a bunch of waiting around, the Doctor finally came in and looked at my scan. He actually had the nerve to look me in the face and tell me that "ports don't hurt" so he told me he had no idea what the problem was? He did everything to imply that  I couldn't possibly be in pain!!!! Had I not been in so much pain, I probably would have decked him. I actually asked him if the fact that I was pouring sweat, and clutching the table as they put the fluid through the needle meant I was not hurting or what?

Anyway, what it all boils down to is that they have no idea why my port hurts. They wanted me to reschedule my chemo ASAP ( as in today or tomorrow) but, I could not bring myself to do so yesterday was just too much for me. So I will be in chemo again next Weds at 8:00 am provided they can use my port.

If any of you have run into this issue, I would love to know how you solved it? Message me if you do have any solutions.

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