I must apologize for not getting the article by Erin out to all of you today. It will be up tomorrow for all of you to take a look at. As you can see by the time stamp on this post, I almost slept the day away. I tried to get up but, the pain and shortness of breath I am getting is a bit overwhelming. Poor Oscar was sick with Flu all night last night too ( which made for some comedic moments since I too was sick from Doxil). So I decided after getting a few small tasks done late this afternoon that resting was probably a better idea. This week of enforced "rest" has put me further behind on just about everything; bill paying, class scheduling, work, friends, and family. I have a voice mail full of calls, and have not had the energy to deal with any of the calls despite the fact that many of them are probably just folks checking in. This is actually pretty typical for a cancer patient but, it drives me crazy. ( And yes for you worrywarts, I have seen the doctor and talked to my chemo nurse-- not much to do until this passes or gets worse!) I haven't really felt like this since my first round of hospital stays in 2011. So I am frustrated and not my usual self.
I thought I would just post a technique I use to feel better on a daily basis. Today it just gives me calm, tomorrow it will help me get up and going. It is just a simple statement of gratitude and then an affirmation of my intentions for the day:
I start by sitting in a quiet space and I center myself by closing my eyes and breathing deeply. When I am still and centered I simply list out loud what I am grateful for that day. Then I make a positive affirmation and visualize what it is that I affirmed.
For the past few months it has gone like this:
" I am grateful for my life, family, friends, students, and this wonderful day. I am healthy, strong, and healing daily."
Believe it or not these simple statements help me to make it through my day, I change them up depending on what is on my soul that day.
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