Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Survivor's Blog - February 25, 2014 Chemo Update and Update for all family members!!

Hello Everyone-

Just wanted to post a quick update and let everyone know that chemo yesterday went  as well as can be expected. My blood counts are still holding up so I am on track do keep doing this weekly until April.

The other good news is this. I finally got my insurance to pay for the BRAC analysis. You may be wondering what I mean by BRAC analysis? The BRAC test is a genetic test that test to see if you have the gene that predisposes you for breast and ovarian cancer. The good news is that I do not have the gene, I am negative. Since I have no children this does not affect me too much. The reason I had the test was to encourage all my female family members especially those of you who are sisters, aunts, and cousins to go get the test. Ovarian cancer tends to run in families and I intend to be the only Heath/ Miller or Dempsey affected with this if I can help it. You may want to get tested anyway. I would encourage you to do so but, it is likely if you are close to me that you have a low chance of having the gene crop up.

If you have followed the news lately it was a positive BRAC test that caused Angelina Jolie the actress to opt for a mastectomy instead of possibly developing the cancer that killed her mother.  I am not sure I would choose removal of my ovaries or breasts just because I might get cancer. I feel that allowing them to remove my unaffected ovary and have a hysterectomy was a big mistake despite the wonderful medical care I had. I know if I had not been in an emergency situation, I would only have had them remove the cancer. I do know that if I were BRAC positive I would definitely have them screening and scanning me yearly for cancer!!!!

To read about Angelina's choice and the study that prompted it go to:

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