Sunday, September 22, 2013

Survivor's Blog- Some helpful products if you have Neuropathy or Foot Pain

I have been on chemo for almost a year this time, if you add the chemo I did in 2011, I have had 16 months of chemotherapy in the last two years. That much chemotherapy means you are bound to have some really nasty reoccurring side effects. This morning I find myself reminded of my treatment by severe pain in the bottoms of both of my feet. It is really going to hurt to get out of bed today. Despite the pain, I will get out of bed and go on about my day. I have a Gum Paste Flowers class to teach today and my advanced students always cheer me up and inspire me! On top of that my wonderful sister, Erin, is taking a week of her time off and spending it with me starting after class today.

So here are a few tips that I use to short the pain receptors in my feet and get on with my day:

1. Cooling slippers- The Sharper Image sells a "cooling slipper" that is designed with cool gel in the foot bed. The slipper soothes painful feet and provides lots of padding to help you get around.

Sharper Image Slippers from Bed Bath and Beyond.

2. Pain relieving gel or creme- I use either a Ben Gay type cream or a Bio Freeze and roll it on my feet before I sleep at night and after I take a bath in the morning. I like the relievers that are as close to all natural as I can afford. The ones with Cayenne in them seem to work the best for me.

3. Hot bath- I use hot baths to help with pain as often as I can. It helps if you can occasionally use Epsom salts in the bath. The other soothing bath I like to use is with Johnson's Baby Bath in it- I like the one with Lavender for sleep. For some reason the lavender helps ease pain.

4. Diabetic Neuropathy Cream- You can find this with the diabetic supplies at your local pharmacy. I do not have diabetes but, I do have Neuropathy. This condition either causes my hands and feet to be completely dead and numb or they become very , very painful and sting for hours. The cream just helps ease some of those symptoms. If I use it , I skip the Ben Gay.

I hope these tips will  help you out. Please remember I am not a doctor, these are just things that have worked for me in these long months of treatment.

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