Thursday, August 8, 2013

Survivor's Blog August 8, 2013- Take the Teal Challenge or write me a blog post...

It is Thursday and I am still wiped out from chemo Tuesday. As a matter of fact, I am still in my pajamas as I type this. I did not even bother to put on clothes for the gas man, who is out refilling the propane tank as I type this.

I do have two issues today that need your attention. The first is a fund raising drive for the month of September benefiting Ovarian Cancer Patients. This is an online drive and normally, I would sponsor a page and do the drive myself. However, I am just too pooped to coordinate it. Would any of you like to spearhead a page on my behalf??  Here is the link if you want to try it:

Second issue, I need  a few of you to write blog posts for me. If you look at my August 6, 2013 ( ) blog post it describes what kind of articles I need, even gives you a few samples. I am just looking for a few contributors willing to inspire folks with cancer and folks caring for cancer patients. It does not have to be anything fancy or earthshaking. It can be done in MS Word or Publisher and I will not do any editing to it.

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