Saturday, April 26, 2014

Survivor's Blog April 26, 2014- Shave your head if you have to have chemo!!!! ProStyles will do it for a special price....

The first thing I tell new cancer patients is always shave your head if you have to have chemo. If the doctor tells you that your hair will fall out - go immediately to the barber and get your head shaved! The reason for shaving your head is a nasty little secret the doctors don't tell you, about 10% off all cancer patients get an infection called folliculitus when their hair starts to fall out.

When I was first diagnosed, I had beautiful long strawberry blond hair. My poor husband panicked when I wanted to just shave it and be done with it prior to chemotherapy. So I didn't shave it.When it started to fall out my head started to hurt like crazy, then it started to burn, and after the burn came bloody little blisters. At that point,  my hair had to come off and I had to cut over those awful blisters. It was one of the worst cancer side effects I have had in three years. So shave your head and prevent the whole problem.

The first time I had my head shaved I went to a salon and had them shave my head. Of course, stylists in a women's salon don't use their clippers that much and the side effect of this for me was a burnt scalp. Plus I did not feel so good when I left, it was clearly harder for the stylist to shave my head than it was for me to have it shaved.

In January of 2014  I found out I would have to shave my head once again. This time I got smart and went to the men's barber shop. I figured who has more experience with clippers than a Barber who does fades all day long?

I was very lucky that we had a new Barber Shop, ProStyles, open up right around the corner from the house. Jay was kind enough to shave my head. It was very cool because he did not make a big deal out of it , he just gave me a super smooth head!

I had to go back and get it re shaved this week, and Jay once again did a wonderful job.

The guys at the shop are running an ongoing special for cancer survivors, go on in and get a shave and they will reduce the cost to $10.00

Give  them a call at (803) 732-1411 to schedule an appointment, they also take walk ins.

What is left of my hair before...

Myself and Jay, The Barber, after my shave....

Monday, April 21, 2014

Survivor's Blog April 21, 2014- Has anyone else had a rash from Taxol?

Hello Everyone-

For those of you who have not heard from me lately , this is why. I have been reacting to the Taxol for the past few weeks. I am getting a rash on my arms that makes the skin pop open and bleed. It is itchy too. Mostly though, the reaction fires all my nerves and makes every nerve ending feel like I am on fire. I feel as if I poured gasoline on myself and lit a match. When the reaction subsides a bit, I am so tired from pain that all I can do is go to bed.

So far the doctors have not figured out what is happening and they have no idea what to do to stop it. I am using Tea Tree Oil and a prescription cream for Eczema that are helping a bit. I think the problem is my immune system is just overwhelmed and I am paying the price in allergies and exhaustion.

Do any of you cancer patients have any help for me? Have you had this rash? If so, how did they treat you? You can send me a message at

Have a great day-

Rash from Taxol after a few days of healing......

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Survivor's Blog April 15, 2014- Chemo Update....

As you all may have noticed, I have not been blogging lately. It is a beautiful spring here in South Carolina but, I have not taken advantage of it. As much as I would like too write, the effects of chemo have made it very hard to write anything concise and coherent. Unfortunately, I am also having trouble talking and listening ( ironic isn't it). I am sorry I have been out of touch with so many of you.

Here is the good news, yesterday when I got my blood work my CA125 number is now almost normal, I am at 44.5 and a normal woman's CA125 is 35 or under. This means that I should be able to leave chemo treatments behind shortly.

Meanwhile, I am having a reaction to the current round of chemo - so as soon as I am not hooked to an IV pole today I will be home in bed.

A big thank you to everyone for their kind cards, letters and phone calls in the past few weeks. Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon!!