Thursday, September 12, 2013

Survivor's blog September 12, 2013 - Chemo update

Hello Everybody-

I apologize for abruptly stopping my blog posts last month. The final round of Topetecan Chemotherapy was pretty brutal and I was just completely worn out. Finally, at the end of August, I had a doctor's  appointment to evaluate the 3 months of treatment. Turns out the past 3 months of chemo did not work, my tumors grew slightly and my blood work is once again moving the wrong direction. I was really disappointed because the Topetecan was the first drug I have been able to tolerate since starting this process in January 2013.

The recommendation of my doctor was to do more chemotherapy to eradicate the tumors. I have to say I had to take a break of a couple weeks and think about it. I am emotionally and physically exhausted! I finally did make a decision to let them try one last type of chemo on me. So yesterday I had the first of three treatments with a new set of drugs Gemzar and Avastin. So far I am doing fine-- no allergic reactions. I just have a wicked headache!!!

For those of you trying to keep up with my schedule - this treatment is given once every two weeks for a month then I have a doctors appointment the following week to check my progress. This means my next chemo will be on 9/25 at 8:00 am.

I would like to thank all of you for your support and help this year. Oscar and I are both so blessed to have you all in our lives!                                               


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