This past week, Oscar's employer switched insurance companies. Normally, this is not an issue but, when you are a cancer patient everything is exponentially harder. The change in insurance caused me to chase around several billings that were posted to the wrong insurance company, re certify a procedure that I needed to have in two days, and most importantly I lost my beloved case worker Eileen B. If you are a cancer patient and you do not have a case worker provided by the insurance company call immediately and get one- they are invaluable! Eileen helped me with everything from side effects to billing! She also called and listened to me on days when I was desperately sick, or down. Basically, I was able to tell her all the things you don't want to burden your friends and family with. Since she is a nurse, she was able to provide me with some creative solutions. One of the things Eileen helped me to do was maintain some goals through all of this cancer "stuff"- so that I could always keep my eye on the ball.
Yesterday, I finally got to know my new case worker, Lisa J. a bit better. Once again I had to come up with some goals for myself. As a patient with stage 4 cancer, you may think that your only goal should be:
I think that if you really want to live and do it well- you have to do more than just survive your cancer treatment!! So here are the goals we made for the next few months:
1. Find local research studies that I might be eligible for? ( in case I choose to go off chemo in 2014)
2. Research new and alternative methods of treatment that are available in our area. ( qualifier:these have to be covered by our insurance and close enough I could drive there)
3. Figure out and complete all Medicare Paperwork- find out how this affects our current insurance coverage and our family financially.
4. Get this cancer to a manageable level so that it can be treated like a chronic disease. ( this is not pie in the sky- it is my Oncologists goal for me as well).
5. Live to a ripe old age as a productive member of society!!
If any of you would like to help us with our research, I would be happy to put you to work. Much of this involves studying and reading which is really hard for me right now due to the chemo. I have lined up a few allies to help me but, I could always use a few more.
These are goals that we are working on together as a team. I figured if I posted my goals for all to see, it would be easier to stick to them. If nothing else, you can remind me of what I am supposed to be doing.
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