Thursday, October 3, 2013

Survivor's Blog October 3, 2013- Set some goals....

Hey Everyone-

I am so happy to say that I had a good Doctors appointment today at SCOA!

I did not have exciting results except for the fact that my hemoglobin and white blood cells are doing well so far!

I did get a few things done. If you have been reading my blog, you know that I have been considering my options with this treatment thing. I am so emotionally and physically tired that I have been wanting to discontinue chemo treatments. I don't want cancer to kill me, I just feel at this point the chemo is more damaging than the cancer and it is time to explore some other things that may work.

I also am facing losing my beloved Oncologist, Dr. Terry Smith. who is retiring in December. I promised myself I would do the final three months of my chemo while looking for options for myself and my future treatment. I made a few goals for things to do before my treatment ends in December 2013:

1. Explore Medicare and get my sign up completed.

2. Explore the Oncologists available to me at SCOA.

3. Look in to alternative treatments for my disease and alternative more holistic programs within 3 hours of my home

4. Look in to research studies coming up in my area for patients with my disease.

Today, I actually accomplished one of my goals. I found my new SCOA doctor. I was not comfortable with the one who would have been assigned to me. I went in and asked the first doctor a bunch of  questions and while he was helpful,  I did not feel too comfortable with him . So I asked SCOA if I could see Doctor option number 2. I had my appointment with him today and he turns out to be good fit for me.

Bottom line, you can set goals for your treatment and how you wish to handle things. If your Doctor is uncomfortable with what you want to accomplish, it is time to get a new Doctor!!!

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