Thursday, November 21, 2013

Survivor's Blog November 21, 2013. Article by Susan Vento....

Several years ago I lost a good friend and mentor, Wally Comer, to Mesothelioma. Prior to his illness, I did not even know what Mesothelioma was. Unlike the Ovarian Cancer that I have, Mesothelioma is completely preventable because it is caused by exposure to asbestos!

So when I was contacted by Susan Vento of the Asbestos Cancer Victims' Rights Campaign, I immediately agreed to help them in any way I could. Susan lost her husband to this terrible disease. Here is a link to Susan's story on the ACVRC website, so that you can take a minute and do something about a completely preventable cancer.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Survivor's Blog- November 9, 2013 - Good news!!!

Hello Everyone-

Today's post is just a short one with some good news. I had my monthly appointment with my Oncologist, Dr. Smith this past Wednesday. For the first time all year, I am on a chemo that I am not having allergic reactions to, and my CA125 blood test improved by 50 points! The drop in my blood work numbers is impressive. Generally a number like that means the cancer is clearing out.We won't know for another couple months when they do a pet scan.

I do have a brain scan scheduled for Friday. One of the side effects of this new treatment is a whopping head ache. Personally, I can stand a few weeks of head ache for a future with out cancer.

So this week has been a good week!

Hampton Mansion flowers, beauty always keeps headaches away!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Survivor's Blog - November 5, 2013- Vote for SCOA and a quick update....

Hi Everyone-

I promised my nurses at SCOA that I would ask all of my readers to vote for SCOA in the annual Pink Glove Dance competition. Technically, it is for breast cance but, the winning video wins $25,000 for the facility that made the video. In South Carolina Oncology's case the $25,000  will allow them to continue some of their amazing services, like cancer research and aid for patients who are not insured. For your vote to count you must log on to and vote for SC Oncology Associates no later than this Thursday, November 8, 2013!!!!

Once you have voted, I can let you know that I am doing OK! My next chemo is on the 13th at 8:00 AM. If you plan to visit you should know I am usually done by 11AM. This particular chemo treatment has run up my blood pressure which is giving me extreme headaches. So if I do not return your calls or emails it is because doing so is wearing me out. I promise I will be back in touch and OK shortly. As a matter of fact I have an appointment in the morning at SCOA that will hopefully help me fix the headaches and the blood pressure.

Rock the vote everybody!!!
